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How do I upgrade my Domain Account from End User Account to a Reseller Account?
Posted by SkyNetHosting.Net Inc., Last modified by Sufya F on 03 May 2023 10:05 AM
To upgrade your End User Domain Account to a Reseller Domain Account, you need to first Signup for a Domain Reseller Account , then after SkyNetHosting.Net approvers your Domain Reseller Account application, you will receive a welcome email including your reseller control panel login details from SkyNetDomains.Net Then you will have to create a customer account (End User Account) under new domain reseller account by clicking on Admin Aria > Customer > Add in your control panel and note this customer ID and username. http://skynethosting/kb/servlet/KBServlet/faq450.html In case if you need any further assistance regarding this issue please feel free to open a help ticket to: Technical Support Department (Domain Registration) | |