Knowledgebase: Control Panel Help
How do I access my website statistics?
Posted by SkyNetHosting.Net Inc., Last modified by Sufya F on 03 May 2023 10:09 AM

Your website stats can be found by logging into your control panel (cPanel > Web/FTP Stats) . We offer a variety of popular web site statistics programs to give you a comprehensive overview of your web site traffic & visitors.

Analog: Analog produces a simple summary of all the people who have visited your site. It is fast and provides great lightweight statistics.

Awstats: Awstats is probably the best web statistic analyzer on the web. The graphics are not too fancy, and clear and the the features are covering many requirements.

Webalizer/Webalizer Ftp: Webalizer is a more complex stats program that produces a variety of charts and graphs about who has visited your site.

Subdomain Stats: This will show statistics for the sub domains on your account.

Latest Visitors: This will show you the last 300 visitors who came to your site and some interesting information about them.

Bandwidth: This will show how many bytes your account has transferred.

Error Log: This will show errors in your site, images not loading, missing files, etc. This is very useful for debugging CGI scripts.

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