Knowledgebase: Pre-Sales Questions
What is the difference between True Multi-Domain Hosting and the
Posted by SkyNetHosting.Net Inc., Last modified by Sufya F on 03 May 2023 10:15 AM

The "Unlimited Domain Hosting" offered elsewhere is almost always based on Domain Pointers (Addon Domains). Addon Domains are the industry standard for hosting multiple websites under one shared plan. In essence, what you are being offered is a certain or unlimited number of Domain Pointers pointing to the sub-folders of your main website.

Our True Multi Domain Hosting enables you to host all your web sites under a one single hosting plan, just like buying a reseller account however, True Multi Domain Hosting gives you many benefits:

    1. Separate cPanel Control Panels for every domain.


    1. Ability to have your sites hosted on multiple
      servers with deferent IP's in the same data center. (True-Multi Server


    1. Ability to have your sites hosted on multiple US
      data centers (True-Multi Data Center Hosting)


    1. Ability to have your sites hosted on both US and
      Europe Data Centers (True-Multi Geographical Hosting)


    1. Cost savings because you are only paying for one single account.


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