Knowledgebase: Control Panel Help
How do I block an IP address using cPanel?
Posted by SkyNetHosting.Net Inc., Last modified by Sufya F on 03 May 2023 10:07 AM

If there is an IP address you want to block from your website, you can do so inside Cpanel. Here are the steps:

1. Log into your Cpanel account.
2. Under "Site Management", go to Ip Deny Manager.
3. Under "Add an IP Deny:" enter in the IP address you wish to block.
4. Click "Add".

You're all set! In case if you need to remove the IP banning, all you need to do is remove the string it created in your .htaccess file or select it from the drop down menu on the IP Deny Manager page.

Note: NEVER block your own IP address!

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