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This email is to notify you of an upcoming scheduled maintenance on your server.  To better ensure reliable, efficient service, we are consolidating all Phoenix


area servers to our primary Phoenix area datacenter in Tempe, AZ. This move will not have any impact on the network providers or IP addresses used by your


server, which will remain unchanged. We are scheduling a short interruption of service, and want to give you as much notice as possible.


This notice applies to the following server:  --  Currently, the maintenance is scheduled for: Tuesday, December 9th, 2022


between 10:00AM and 8:00 PM Arizona Time. This maintenance is expected to cause downtime of approximately 90 minutes, but possibly less or more time may be necessary. This is because we need to shutdown the server to relocate it to our primary datacenter, located a 20 minute drive from its current location.


Once the maintenance has been completed, our staff will update the thread. If you have any difficulties with your server after that point, please open a ticket at and we will do our best to help.




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