1. Login to your master reseller WHM
2. Access the MR Panel - Intergration tab
3. Please download the WHMCS Intergration software to your local end.
4 . Upload the file "whmphp.php" to your /modules/servers/whmphp/
folder of WHMCS
(Create the folder ...
How to create sub resellers via your WHMPHP ?
Login to your MR Panel WHM, using the credentials as per the welcome
Use the Add Package Option, to add a new reseller package to use for
your reseller account creation
Access the MR P...
How to create custom name servers for your sub resellers ?
Login to your MR Panel WHM, using the credentials as per the welcome
email received
To create custom name servers for your domain, you can set the same
via Basic cPanel & WHM Setup, y...